Fruits Basket is a manga written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya. It was first serialized in Hana to Yume in 1995, and has since been tailored into an anime collection, a 26-episode anime tv collection, and two live-action movies launched in 2005 and 2009. The manga tells the story of Tohru Honda, a 17-year previous woman who strikes from Tokyo to a small city referred to as Sado Island sooner or later after her mom dies of a coronary heart assault whereas out jogging. Tohru then meets Shigure Sohma, the younger son of the
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Extra particulars about Fruits Basket Pillows – Kyo Cat Kind, Fruits Basket Throw Pillow RB0909 Fruits Basket Pillows
Obtenga una almohada con la forma de Kyo Cat de este producto. Estas almohadas son adaptables a tu propia cama y las mismas se pueden inclinar levemente o estirar para escoger la posición que desees. El diseño de estas almohadas es una manera divertida para tener el personaje Kyo en su dormitorio.
William (verified owner) –
same as description recommended
David (verified owner) –
Very nice just like in the picture